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Get to know us

SANCTUARY EXOTIC TEA is a Family-Owned company founded in Florida in 2013. Monica Noriega, the Owner of the Company began studying the properties of fruits and herbs to obtain the best possible benefits along with an amazing smell and flavor, to create from scratch our DELICIOUS blends!.

 Many wonder how Sanctuary came to be?

Time ago, actually before I was married and continuing after, my husband and I wanted to do something else for the community.   With that passion in our hearts and mind, we didn’t know how to portray that into reality. One day during a family reunion, my husband started telling us about his grandma and how she marked his life forever...

"I remembered how my grandmother had instilled in me the importance of helping the needy. With tears in his eyes  he said .. when I was 8 years old, she asked me to accompany her to a very important place. She told me to carry some bags for her without knowing what the bags contained and I decided to go with her. Without anyone knowing our little secret, we went together bringing food to the poorest places in Bogota, Colombia. The first time I went, I was very surprised and moved because we arrived to a house made of cartons and tins, where two elderly people lived, who opened the door and knew my grandmother by name. She greeted them and went to the cardboard house. The very friendly elderly people offered us a meal, a plate of rice and cold beans. When we finished eating, my grandmother asked if they would not eat? And they told us that the last thing they had to eat had been offered to us. At that moment my grandmother told me to give her the bags I had loaded during our trip and without knowing it she had bought them a bag  full of groceries for them. We did this throughout my childhood, helping different families who lived in cardboard houses. Being an accomplice with her in our adventure to humbly help the needy really moved something in me. These secret adventures marked something in me so strong that I could never forget it—“Giving is more important than receiving!” I taught the same thing to my wife and sons and during this family conversation we thought about how we could help people in need but also help people take care of their health, give them a job opportunity, and then everything  connected! That day we decide to pray to God for Guidance and through an a crazy idea of help—SANCTUARY was created.

The creation was just the beginning!!Being the woman that I am, I became interested in what ways the herbs I knew of as a little girl could be implemented into this new company.  I learned about herbs and fruits and how to mix it correctly to offer the highest quality of blends of whole loose leaf tea. Our tea blends are crafted daily in small batches using only the finest local and artisan ingredients. We decide to go back to our origins and take loose leaf teas as our grandmothers used to cure any sickness or just something delicious to drink any time and feel  better. 


We specialize in natural herbs and different fruits that when mixed, has extraordinary flavors while at the same time cause a real benefit when taken in as a cold or hot beverage. With the purchase of our product, not only does it benefit the buyer, but a percentage of our profits are donate to different social welfare foundations benefiting the community. Currently, we have a Foundation in Colombia, which helps 80 families that live in extreme need and our mission is to help them integrally so that they have the opportunity to change their lives and become self sufficient .


On a weekly basis, we support families in need by distributing food bags in South Florida, Colombia, Venezuela and Haiti. SANCTUARY ENTERPRISES LLC is considered the best solution to solve this problem of need, lack, and poverty through the daily consumption of our products in order to achieve a high turnover and raise much needed funds for the community.


At this time during Covid-19 We have had the opportunity and blessing to help families in need of food. We are feeding approximately 100 families weekly with crates of food in South Florida through, collecting donations from supermarkets that know us and know about our mission and passion we made as a family and organization. This has been our job during these months of quarantine, a service providing and distributing free food that we reorganize  as a family with love! 


Most of our team work are women and we like to train and support them not only professionally in every area so that they can develop their dreams. We guide them so that they can find their true potential and identity. Our Goal with the team is that they can develop successfully in any area where they are at each stage of their lives. We develop leaders through our daily work with God’s  help.

Help us to continue to support local community !!!

Monica Noriega